Commercial renovation

Our Services

Premier Choix Réno has stood out in commercial renovation for over 10 years. Its experienced team carries out all the work present on the job market (catering, health, administrative offices and more), while respecting regulations and safety codes.

To achieve your commercial projects, Premier Choix Réno assists you by carrying out the following four essential steps:

  • First of all, we meet with you before the start of the project and we take the time to fully understand your needs.

  • Next, we discuss with you the challenges and obstacles of your design both at the architectural and engineering levels.

  • Next, we will establish a schedule, taking care of your needs and your availability.

  • And at the end, we carry out the project with a lot of commitment because each renovation project highlights our reputation. The work we do is always impeccable and our customers are always completely satisfied.

Start your project today